Welcome to the City of Simpsonville's Online Services for Community Development.

S.C. Law provides that
it is a crime to knowingly
obtain or use personal
information from a public
body for commercial solicitation.
SC Code of Laws, Title 30, Ch. 4

This site can be used to submit a plan for review, submit a zoning application, and search for development projects. If you are unsure if you have an account or need to reset your password, click the "Forgot or Rest Password button" on the login page. Please do not create duplicate accounts.
Make sure your pop-up blocker is turned off.

Create Project - Use Create Project to submit plans or zoning applications for review.

Search Project - Use Search Project to search for projects or applications that have been submitted. A login is not needed to use this feature.

My Projects - View all of your projects and applications after logging in. Check the status of a review or submit a revision.

Payment - Make a payment for a project for things like plan review fees or application fees.

If you need to apply for a permit or schedule and inspection, please visit the Permit Portal.